This version of the Agreement will be effective as of 1 April 2025.



1.1 This Agreement for the use of the peer-to-peer lending platform Paskolų klubas is entered into by the Operator and the User.

1.2 This Agreement sets out the general terms and conditions of use of the Platform, the rights, duties and liabilities of the Operator and the Users when Users use the Platform with the intention of providing funds to finance Consumer Credits (i.e. they intend to become Investors) and/or when Users use the Platform with the intention of entering into a Consumer Credit Agreement for the purpose of obtaining a Consumer Credit (i.e. they intend to become a Borrower).

1.3 The Operator administers the Platform for peer-to-peer lending. Peer-to-peer lending involves three parties: (i) the Investor; (ii) the operator of the peer-to-peer lending platform Paskolų klubas; and (iii) the Borrower. The Investor and the Borrower do not communicate directly and do not enter into direct agreements.

1.4 The information and details about the Borrower in the Application are provided by the Borrowers themselves. The information contained in the Consumer Credit Ad shall be verified by the Operator, unless certain data have not been verified in registers or databases, in which case this shall be clearly indicated in the information provided. If the Borrower provides falsified or deliberately incorrect documents, such as identity, financial capacity or other data, which have been verified by the Operator in accordance with the legal requirements (e.g., in the course of creditworthiness assessment), but the Operator was not at fault for such actions and the inaccurate (falsified) data were published by the Borrower itself, the Operator shall not be liable to the Investors for any losses or damages caused or likely to be caused by their decisions, actions or concluded transactions based on such information.

1.5 If, in order to use certain features of the Platform and/or services provided by the Operator, the Platform requires the User to agree to certain terms and conditions of service and/or to undertake certain obligations and/or to disclose certain information and/or to provide confirmations, the User shall be entitled to use those features of the Platform and/or services provided by the Operator only after having performed the above actions.

1.6 In the event that the provisions of individual terms of service conflict with the provisions set out in this Agreement, the provisions of such individual terms of service shall apply.

1.7 Before using the Platform, each User must carefully read this Agreement (including all documents referred to in this Agreement) and confirm this on the Platform. If a User does not agree to this Agreement or any provision of this Agreement, such person shall not be entitled to use the Platform and the Operator's services.

1.8 The User further confirms that this Agreement is in full compliance with his true intentions and true will, that the Agreement has been entered into without being under the influence of alcohol, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or any other psychoactive substances, and that the User has been able to obtain independent legal or financial advice in the evaluation of this Agreement.

1.9 In the event of any uncertainty regarding the provisions of this Agreement, Users may contact the Operator using the contact details provided on the Platform.


2.1 Capitalised terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings set out below, unless the context otherwise requires:

2.1.1. "Secondary Market Fee" means the fee payable by an Investor for the sale of a Claim Right to another Investor on the Secondary Market;

2.1.2. "Auto-Investment Functionality " means the functionality of the Platform which allows Investors to create an Auto-Investment Ad in advance and to automatically make an Investment in the Primary Market or in the Secondary Market on the basis of the Auto-Investment Ad;

2.1.3. “Auto-Investment Ad” means the Auto-Investment Criteria and the investment terms and conditions personally selected by the Investor on the Platform for the purpose of making an Investment in the Primary Market or Secondary Market;

2.1.4. "Automated Investment Buyback" means the Operator's commitment that in the event of termination of the Consumer Credit Agreement, the Operator shall pay the Investor a Compensation, which shall be deemed to be a compensation for the amount invested in the Consumer Credit Agreement, and that, from the moment of Compensation, the relationship between the Operator and the Investor in relation to the investment in the Consumer Credit Agreement shall be considered to be duly fulfilled and terminated, and the parties shall not have, and shall not have any claims against each other with respect to the investment in the Consumer Credit Agreement;

2.1.5. "Investment Period" means the period during which the amount of Consumer Credit is to be collected;

2.1.6. "Investment " means a transaction for investment in Consumer Credit concluded between the Investor and the Operator on the basis of an investment agreement and in accordance with the procedure established by the investment agreement.

2.1.7. “Investment Buyback” - the Operator's takeover of the Investment from the Investor in the event of termination of the Consumer Credit Agreement, where the Investor agrees to the Operator's proposed Compensation. The payment of this Compensation shall be deemed to be the final discharge of the obligations between the Investor and the Operator, after which the Investor shall have no further claims against either the Operator or the Borrower;

2.1.8. “Investor Platform Fee” - the monthly fee charged to the Investor for the use of the Platform functionalities and the Operator's services, which shall be automatically debited from the Investor's Payment Account in accordance with the procedure set forth in the Agreement;

2.1.9. “Investor or Lender” - a natural or legal person who has registered on the Platform, opened a Payment Account, confirmed his/her identity and carried out the steps of customer identification in accordance with the Operator's procedures for customer identification and wishes to use the Platform to invest in Consumer Credits in accordance with the Agreement, the investment agreement and the other terms and conditions set out in the Platform;

2.1.10. Compensation” - in the event of Automated Investment Buyback, the Operator shall pay to the Investor an amount equal to the amount of the portion of the Investment amount outstanding at the time of termination of the Consumer Credit Agreement. In the event of Investment Buyback, the Operator shall pay to the Investor an amount calculated as follows: the Investor's unpaid portion of the Consumer Credit under the specific Consumer Credit Agreement multiplied by a factor depending on the credit rating of the Borrower and the day of validity of the offer (from the first to the thirtieth day), on which the Investor exercises the right to receive the Compensation. The coefficients set out in the Pricing shall be applied in the calculation of the Compensation. Depending on the validity of the offer, from the fourth calendar day to the seventh calendar day, 0.05 shall be deducted daily from the coefficient depending on the credit rating of the Borrower;

2.1.11. "Pricing " means the fees for the Operator's services and transactions as approved by the Operator in accordance with the procedures established by the Operator;

2.1.12. "Law " means the Law on Consumer Credit of the Republic of Lithuania;

2.1.13. “User” - a natural or legal person using the Platform, who may be either an Investor or a Beneficiary of Consumer Credit, who has entered into this Agreement, registered on the Platform in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, and who has been approved by the Operator accordingly;

2.1.14. “User Account” - a User's individual account for the User to perform various actions on the Platform and to manage his/her account;

2.1.15. “Application” - an application submitted by a Borrower on the Platform to the Operator for the granting of a Consumer Credit, specifying the essential aspects of the granting of the credit, such as the amount of the credit requested, the desired repayment term, the purpose and any other data required by the Operator for the creditworthiness assessment;

2.1.16. “Paskolų klubas arba Operator” – NEO Finance“, AB juridinio asmens kodas 303225546, buveinės adresas Ukmergės g. 126, LT-08100 Vilnius, Lietuvos Respublika. The Operator is registered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania. The Operator holds an electronic money institution licence No 7 issued by the Bank of Lithuania and is also included in the public list of peer-to-peer lending platform operators and in the public list of consumer credit providers. The Operator's e-mail address is [email protected]; [email protected];

2.1.17. “Platform” - the peer-to-peer lending platform operated by the Operator, accessible at www.paskolų or, through which peer-to-peer lending is carried out;

2.1.18. “Claim Right” - the Lender's right of claim (creditor's claim) to the amounts payable by the Borrower under the Consumer Credit Agreement, the amount of which is specified in the investment agreement;

2.1.19. “Payment Account” - a unique electronic money account of the User opened by the Operator;

2.1.20. “Special Terms” - the terms and conditions of the Consumer Credit Agreement, the drafting of which the Borrower may have influenced by submitting an Application on the Platform. Special terms and conditions include: the amount of the Consumer Credit, the interest, Commission Fee, the amount and number of monthly instalments, the term of the Consumer Credit and other terms and conditions set out in the section entitled "Special Terms";

2.1.21. “Agreement” - this document, which sets out the rules for the use of the Platform, to which every person who wishes to use the Platform and the services provided by the Operator must agree. The Agreement shall govern the legal relations arising between the Users and the Operators;

2.1.22. “Commission Fee” - the remuneration paid by the Borrower to the Operator for the services provided by the Operator of the peer-to-peer lending platform (including, but not limited to, for the collection of the Borrower's data from state registers and other databases, their processing and evaluation, as well as for the processing of the Application and for the drafting and execution of all the documents related to the Agreement), payable until the full fulfilment of obligations under the Consumer Credit Agreement. The Commission Fee shall be calculated in accordance with the procedure set out in the Consumer Credit Agreement and the specific amount of the Commission Fee shall be set out in the Special Terms;

2.1.23. “Peer-to-peer Lending Funds” - the funds made available by the Investor through the Platform for the financing of Consumer Credit;

2.1.24. “Consumer Credit” - Consumer Credit granted by the Operator to a Borrower in accordance with the specific terms and conditions of Consumer Credit;

2.1.25. “Borrower” - a natural person with whom the Company has entered into a Consumer Credit Agreement(s);

2.1.26. “Consumer Credit Ad” -  Borrower’s application for financing published on the Platform, which provides anonymized information about the Consumer Credit, its terms and conditions, and the results of the creditworthiness assessment of the Borrower;

2.1.27. “Consumer Credit Amount” - the amount of the Consumer Credit that the Operator disburses to the Borrower under the Consumer Credit Agreement. The maximum Consumer Credit Amount shall be agreed between the Operator and the Borrower in the Special Terms. The Consumer Credit Amount to be disbursed, on which all fees payable by the Borrower shall be calculated, shall be unilaterally disclosed by the Operator to the Borrower in the Consumer Credit Agreement;

2.1.28. “Consumer Credit Agreement” means the agreement concluded between the Borrower and the Operator, the concept of which corresponds to the concept of Consumer Credit Agreement as defined in the Law, together with the special and general terms and conditions and the annexes, including any additions and/or amendments to this agreement;.

2.2 Other terms used in this Agreement other than those set out above shall have the meaning given to them in the Law and in other legislation applicable to crowdfunding activities.


3.1 The Platform provides an opportunity to carry out peer-to-peer lending transactions, i.e. Borrower can publish Consumer Credit Ads, and Investors can provide Peer-to-peer Lending Funds for these Consumer Credits. The Platform thus acts as an intermediary between persons who have sought to borrow for their consumer needs and persons who are available to provide such finance.

3.2 The Operator is included in the following lists maintained by the Bank of Lithuania: (i) the public list of consumer creditors; (ii) the public list of peer-to-peer lending platform operators. In carrying out the activities of a peer-to-peer lending platform operator and consumer credit, the Operator shall be guided by the Law, other applicable legislation and the internal procedures adopted by the Operator.

3.3 The Operator shall perform the following functions:

3.3.1. administer the Platform through which peer-to-peer lending is carried out;

3.3.2. the Operator shall, on behalf of the Lender, enter into Consumer Credit Agreements with Borrowers;

3.3.3. carry out the creditworthiness assessment of the Borrower in accordance with the Operator's Rules on assessment of creditworthiness of consumer credit borrowers;

3.3.4. facilitate the publication on the Platform of the Consumer Credit Ad, the progress of its financing and other related information;

3.3.5. facilitate Investors' investments in the primary and secondary market and make related withdrawals from Investors' Payment Accounts;

3.3.6. debit the Investors' Payment Accounts with the Peer-to-peer Lending Funds and disburse Consumer Credit Amount to the Borrower’s Payment Account opened in his/her name;

3.3.7. administer other payments and arrears;

3.3.8. enforce and exercise other creditor's rights in favour of the Investors;

3.3.9. represent and defend the interests of the Investors before the courts (or delegate such actions to third parties);

3.3.10. perform any other functions provided for in this Agreement, the investment agreements, the Consumer Credit Agreements, the Law and other applicable legislation.

3.4 The Operator does not provide any guarantees, including but not limited to:

3.4.1. to the Investors, that the Borrower will duly fulfil its obligations under the terms of the Consumer Credit Agreement. The Operator shall endeavour to assess credit risk in a reasonable manner and shall improve the credit scoring model used, but shall in no event be liable for any loss incurred by the Investors in the event of non-repayment of the Peer-to-peer Lending Funds, the interest and/or other amounts provided for. The Investors, by providing Peer-to-peer Lending Funds, independently and freely assume the risks associated therewith (including the risk of loss of all funds so invested);

3.4.2. to the Borrowers that the Consumer Credit Ads will be published on the Platform, that the announcement of the Project on the Platform will result in the collection of the required Consumer Credit Amount within the scheduled Investment Period and/or the fulfilment of all the conditions necessary for the disbursement of Consumer Credit.


4.1.In order to become a User, to enter into transactions on the Platform and to use the services provided by the Operator, a person is obliged to duly register on the Platform by accepting the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to confirm his/her identity in the ways provided for on the Platform.

4.2 Registration on the Platform and the conclusion of this Agreement is open to both natural and legal persons:

4.2.1. If the Agreement is entered into by a natural person, he/she must be at least 18 years of age and be able to enter into transactions on the Platform by his/her own actions and to assume all the civil rights and obligations arising from them. Minors may use the Platform only as Investors and only if they are legally represented by their legal representative, who assumes full responsibility for the minor's actions and obligations on the Platform;

4.2.2. in the case of an Agreement concluded by a legal entity, the Agreement may only be concluded on behalf of such legal entity by the head of the legal entity or another legal representative who has the proper authority and/or all necessary decisions to grant and/or raise Crowdfunding Funds, as set out in the law and/or the legal entity's internal documents. The representative of the legal entity must provide documents proving the right of representation as well as documents proving the right to enter into transactions on the Platform (e.g. shareholders' or board of directors' resolution).

4.3 A person shall be deemed to be registered on the Platform if all of the following steps have been duly completed:

4.3.1. all mandatory registration fields are duly completed with correct and complete information;

4.3.2. the person has read the Paskolų klubas Privacy Policy and has ticked the appropriate box to confirm such readership;

4.3.3. the Person has read the provisions of this Agreement and has ticked the appropriate box to confirm such readership and to express his/her willingness to enter into this Agreement;

4.3.4. the Person has completed all other actions, provided other information and/or documents requested by the Operator and met other requirements for the completion of the registration procedure.

4.4 This Agreement shall come into force upon the Person's acknowledgement of receipt of this Agreement and commitment to comply with its provisions

4.5 The User shall be entitled to use the User Account and the Operator services only if the User has been duly identified (identified).

4.6 The Operator shall establish the identity of the User in each case by one of the following identification methods:

4.6.1. physical presence - when the User arrives at the Operator's registered office;

4.6.2. in the absence of physical presence: (i) by a qualified electronic signature; (ii) by electronic means allowing live video/photo transmission.

4.7. In order to properly implement the requirements of the European Union and national legislation and internal procedures regarding the proper identification of customers, the Operator may at any time (both at the time of the initial identification and at any time thereafter) request additional information and/or documents from an existing or prospective User, concerning the identity, activities, origin of funds, control structure, affiliations, representations and other aspects necessary to know for the proper identification of the User and/or the User's beneficiaries, and the Operator may also request periodic updating of the data about itself and its beneficiaries. The User undertakes to provide such requested information and/or documents to the Operator in a timely manner. All documents requested by the Operator must be submitted in Lithuanian or English, with, if necessary, endorsements (e.g. apostille).

4.8 In the event that a person fails to comply with his/her obligation to provide the requested information and/or documents in a timely and proper manner, as well as in the event that the results of the verification of the identity of an existing or potential User do not satisfy the Operator or raise suspicions, the Operator shall have the right to, inter alia, refuse to establish business relations with such person, or to discontinue, suspend or restrict the provision of services, and to refer the information to competent law enforcement authorities.

4.9 The Operator shall have the right to refuse to allow a particular person to become a customer of the Operator (e.g. to refuse to approve a registration, to refuse to approve an identity), to impose additional requirements or restrictions on such person's activities on the Platform, and to terminate this Agreement in certain cases at its sole discretion, without giving any reason.

4.10. Each User may have only one active User Account on the Platform. Any subsequent registrations and User Accounts may be cancelled without separate notice. A User wishing to transact on the Platform must in all cases open a Payment Account.

4.11. In all cases, the User may only register and enter into the Agreement and use the Platform in his/her own name and on behalf of himself/herself or his/her legal representative. The User Account on the Platform may be used on behalf of a legal entity only by the head of the legal entity or another legal representative who has the proper authorisation to do so. A minor may use the Platform on behalf of a minor only through his/her legal representative, who shall assume full responsibility for the minor's actions and obligations on the Platform.

4.12. The Operator shall have no obligation to verify the Investor's eligibility to invest. The Investor shall be fully responsible for any actions taken in excess of his/her authorisation, as well as for not updating information about himself/herself and/or his/her authorisation.

4.13. All actions performed by the User after accessing the Platform will be deemed to be performed on behalf and for the benefit of the User. The User understands and confirms that all actions performed by him/her after logging in to the Platform shall be deemed to be the User's proper consents and/or approvals, signed with an electronic signature as provided for in Article 5(1) of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Electronic Identification and Services for Ensuring the Reliability of Electronic Transactions, which shall have legal consequences.

4.14. The User shall take all reasonable steps to protect his/her login data to his/her User Account, as well as the devices used for logging in and the means used for communication. The User accepts full responsibility for any loss, damage or other loss resulting from access to the User Account being made available to third parties, irrespective of the manner in which this occurred. The User understands that his/her own negligence or the transmission of his/her login data to others does not relieve him/her of responsibility for the actions carried out through the User Account.

4.15. The User undertakes to inform the Operator immediately if he/she becomes aware or suspects that his/her login data to the User Account has been made available to third parties or that there is a likelihood of its unauthorised use. In addition, the User must immediately take steps to ensure the security of his User Account, including but not limited to changing his login details. If the User does not inform in a timely manner of a possible breach of security or does not take the necessary steps to prevent such breach, the User accepts full responsibility for any consequences, including any damages or liabilities arising from the unauthorised use of his/her User Account by third parties.

4.16. The User shall be fully responsible for the accuracy and relevance of the information, data, documents provided by him/her. If the User provides incorrect information when registering on the Platform, during the identification procedure or during the use of the Platform, and/or fails to update it in time, the User and/or persons acting on behalf of the User shall be liable for the losses caused by such actions to the Operator or to any other persons.


5.1 Submission of an Application:

5.1.1. a Borrower seeking to obtain Consumer Credit must submit an Application to the Operator via the Platform.

5.1.2 When submitting an Application, the Borrower must specify the desired Consumer Credit Amount and the Consumer Credit term.

5.1.3. The Borrower may choose the term, which may not be shorter or longer than the minimum and maximum terms set by the Operator and in force at the time of filling in the Application.

5.1.4. The preliminary terms and conditions of the Consumer Credit Agreement shall be available to the Borrower in the calculator on the Operator's website by filling in the required fields.

5.2 Creditworthiness assessment:

5.2.1. A Borrower wishing to submit an Application under the Preliminary Terms must complete the Creditworthiness Assessment Form and provide the Operator with all the required information.

5.2.2 If the Borrower is married and intends to take out a loan for family purposes, the Borrower must also provide the spouse's details.

5.2.3. After the Borrower has submitted the Application, the Operator shall verify the data provided by the Consumer Borrower in the relevant registers and databases. If necessary, the Operator may request additional information, including bank account statements or other documents.

5.2.4. Following the submission of the Application, the creditworthiness of the Borrower shall be assessed in accordance with the Rules on assessment of creditworthiness of consumer credit borrowers.

5.3 Assessment and decision on the Application:

5.3.1 Upon receipt of an Application, the Operator shall carry out an assessment and shall be entitled to:

5.3.2. approve the Application and make a Consumer Credit Offer to the Borrower.

5.3.3. request additional information if the Borrower has not provided sufficient data to objectively assess his/her financial situation. In this case, the Operator shall contact the Borrower and request the missing documents.

5.3.4. reject the Application if the Borrower has provided false, inaccurate or incomplete information. The Operator may also ask for additional data, but if such data is not provided or is not in accordance with the requirements, the Application shall be rejected.

5.3.5. amend the terms and conditions of the Application if the Operator deems it necessary to change the Consumer Credit Amount, interest rate or term of the Consumer Credit. In such a case, a proposal for adjustment of the Application shall be sent to the Borrower. If the Borrower does not agree with the adjusted terms and conditions, the Operator shall have the right to reject the Application.

5.4 Consumer credit offer and financing:

5.4.1. If the Borrower meets the Operator's credit assessment criteria, a Consumer Credit Offer shall be made to the Borrower.

5.4.2. Once the Borrower has signed a Consumer Credit Agreement via the Platform, the Consumer Credit Ad shall be placed on the Primary Market for a maximum period of 14 days.

5.4.3. If the Investors have funded at least 50% of the amount of the Consumer Credit Ad, the Borrower shall have the right to agree to the disbursement of the amount funded at that time. In order to exercise this right, the Borrower must contact the Operator by email or telephone. In this case, the remaining Consumer Credit Amount shall no longer be funded.

5.4.4 If the Consumer Credit Ad is not funded quickly enough, the Borrower shall be entitled to increase the interest rate offered in order to attract more Investors.

5.5 Disbursement of Consumer Credit:

5.5.1. When the Consumer Credit Ad is fully funded, the Operator shall provide the Borrower with a unilateral statement indicating that it agrees to disburse the Consumer Credit Amount.

5.5.2. If the Consumer Credit Ad is not fully funded within 14 days, the Operator shall make a unilateral statement indicating that the Consumer Credit Amount is refused and the Consumer Credit Agreement shall be deemed to have terminated.

5.5.3 The Operator's decision to disburse or not to disburse the Consumer Credit shall constitute a unilateral transaction, which shall create rights and obligations only for the Operator and shall determine the further performance or termination of the Consumer Credit Agreement.

5.5.4. upon submission of a unilateral statement indicating that it agrees to disburse the Consumer Credit Amount, the Operator shall set up an actual repayment schedule for the Consumer Credit and transfer the Consumer Credit Amount to the Payment Account of the Borrower. If the Consumer Credit is granted for the purpose of refinancing, the Consumer Credit proceeds or part thereof shall be transferred to the original creditors from the Payment Account in the relevant amounts on the basis of a prior instruction given by the Borrower. The Borrower shall have the right to adjust the amounts of the obligations to be refinanced prior to the time of transfer. In the event that the purpose of the Consumer Credit is to pay for the purchase of specific goods or services, the Consumer Credit shall be transferred directly from the Payment Account to the sellers of the goods or services, in accordance with a prior instruction given by the Borrower.


6.1 The provisions of this Section of this Agreement shall apply to Investors who intend to provide or have provided Peer-to-peer Lending Funds for the purpose of financing Consumer Credit Ad published on the Platform (i.e. who intend to become or have become an Investor).

6.2 For individual Consumer Credit Ads published on the Platform, the Investor may, at its discretion, provide Peer-to-peer Lending Funds by entering into investment agreements with the Operator, on the basis of which the Investor instructs the Operator to conclude Consumer Credit Agreements on specific terms and conditions with Borrowers defined by specific attributes. The Operator, acting on its own behalf but using the Investor's funds, shall conclude Consumer Credit Agreements with Borrowers as provided for by the Law.

6.3 The Consumer Credit Ad on the Platform shall contain basic information on

6.3.1. the Borrower: credit rating provided by the Operator, age, area of residence, marital status, education, number of dependants, gender, assets, income and liability information, debt history and other relevant de-personalised information about the Borrower or his/her spouse which may be necessary for Investors to evaluate the Consumer Credit Ad.

6.3.2. the Consumer Credit: the Consumer Credit AMount, the amount of interest, the term of the Consumer Credit, the monthly instalment, the purpose of the Consumer Credit, the Consumer Credit number on the Platform;

6.3.3. the Consumer Credit Financing: the amount invested by the Operator, the percentage of the Credit portion financed, the amounts of other Investors who have invested in the Consumer Credit, the Consumer Credit Amount remaining unfunded, the time until the expiry date of the Consumer Credit Ad, the maximum amount that can be invested, the preliminary commission payable by the Investor, the preliminary return on investment.

6.4 The publication of a Consumer Credit Ad on the Platform, the assignment of a credit rating to a particular Consumer Credit Ad and/or other information about a Consumer Credit published on the Platform shall not be deemed to be an investment recommendation or other confirmation by the Operator that the Borrower is financially sound and will duly perform its obligations to the Investors in the future in accordance with the Consumer Credit Agreement. By entering into an investment transaction and providing Peer-to-peer Lending Funds to the Borrowers, the Investors are investing and assuming the risks associated with such investment, including the risk of not receiving a return on investment or losing all funds invested in the Consumer Credit.

6.5 When the Investor intends to Invest in a particular Project, the Investor must specify the amount of funds to be invested. The amount the Investor intends to invest must not be less than the minimum investment limit approved by the Operator at the time and published on the Platform. The amount to be invested by the Investor may not exceed the maximum amount permitted to be lent per Borrower as specified in the Law. The total amount of Peer-to-peer Lending Funds granted and not repaid on the Platform to one Borrower may not exceed EUR 500.

6.6 An Investor may not invest more than the available funds in his Payment Account. Once a specific amount has been approved for investment in a Consumer Credit Ad, the corresponding amount of funds in the Investor's Payment Account shall be reserved for that specific Consumer Credit Ad. The Investor may only withdraw the Investment until the Consumer Credit Ad is fully funded.

6.7 Before entering into the investment agreement, the Investor must read and agree to the terms and conditions of the investment in the Consumer Credit.

6.8 Once the Consumer Credit Announcement has expired and the full Investment Amount has been collected during the term of the Consumer Credit Announcement, the reserved funds shall be debited from the Payment Account. In the event that the Consumer Credit Ad is not funded within the validity period of the Consumer Credit Announcement, the Operator shall cancel the reservation of the Investor's funds.

6.9 The calculation of interest payable to Investors shall commence from the date of actual disbursement of the Consumer Credit funds to the Borrower.

6.10. In the event that the Borrower faces financial difficulties and is unable to pay the monthly instalments in accordance with the original schedule of the Consumer Credit Agreement, the Operator shall have the right to agree with the Borrower on a postponement of instalments, a change of the term of the Consumer Credit Agreement, or, in the event of the cancellation of the Consumer Credit Agreement, to enter into an amicable settlement agreement which provides for an extended instalment schedule.

6.11. The extension of the repayment schedule of the Consumer Credit shall be subject to the following maximum time limits: (i) Consumer credit agreements with an initial term of up to 2 years may be extended for a maximum period of 6 months; (ii) Consumer credit agreements with an initial term of 2 to 4 years may be extended for a maximum period of 12 months; (iii) Consumer credit agreements with an initial term of 4 to 6 years may be extended for a maximum period of 24 months; and (iv) Consumer credit agreements with an initial term of more than 6 years may be extended for a maximum period of 30 months. In all cases, the extension of a consumer credit agreement shall not change the amount of the consumer credit and the interest rate, but shall result in a recalculation of the monthly instalments and a new Consumer Credit instalment schedule.

6.12. Investors whose active investment portfolio reaches the specified thresholds shall acquire the status of VIP Investor, which confers additional privileges when using the services of the Platform.

6.13. VIP Investor statuses and their criteria:

6.13.1. VIP Bronze - active Investment portfolio size from EUR 5 000;

6.13.2. VIP Silver - active Investment portfolio size from EUR 15 000;

6.13.3. VIP Gold - active Investment portfolio size from EUR 50 000;

6.13.4. VIP Platinum - active Investment portfolio size from EUR 125 000.

6.14. Benefits of VIP Investment status:

6.14.1. The opportunity to sell an Investment in Consumer Credits to the Operator at a price 5% higher than other Investors.

6.14.2. Free SEPA transfers from your Payment Account.

6.15. Investors who have achieved VIP Silver status automatically become members of the VIP Club, who can benefit from the Extra Benefits Programme. All VIP Club benefits are available on the Platform.


7.1 The Auto-Investment Functionality enables Investors to pre-set an Auto-Investment Ad and to invest in the primary market or the secondary market on the basis of such pre-setting. The Investor may modify the criteria of the Auto-Investment Functionality according to his/her investment strategy.

7.2 An investment agreement to invest in the primary market or a consent to acquire a Claim Right in the secondary market entered into through the Automatic Investing Functionality shall be treated as a transaction entered into by the Investor in person (manually), and shall create the same rights and obligations as set forth in this Agreement.

7.3 Investors bear their own risks and are responsible for the use of the Auto-Investment Functionality, for the creation of the Auto-Invest Ad, and for the credit risk and possible default of the Consumer Credit Ads in which they invest.

7.4 The operation of the Auto-Investment Ad shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Auto-Investment Ad entered into.

7.5 Each Investor must agree to the terms and conditions of the Auto-Investment Ad before creating an Auto-Investment Ad or before editing, modifying or amending an already active Auto-Investment Ad.

7.6 The Operator shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to modify the general terms and conditions of the Consumer Credit Agreement and to enter into Consumer Credit Agreements with Borrowers on the modified terms and conditions, provided that such modifications are not material to the Lender and do not impair the Lender's position. The Operator may only make material changes at the latest 14 (fourteen) calendar days before their entry into force by informing the Lender thereof. The Lender shall have the right to terminate the automatic investment agreement at any time and if it fails to do so before the new version of the Consumer Credit Agreement comes into force, the Lender shall be deemed to have agreed to invest in the Consumer Credit in accordance with the new version of the Consumer Credit Agreement.


8.1 The Investor shall have the right to assign its claim to receivables under the investment agreement concluded in the primary market to another Investor in the secondary market in accordance with the procedures set out in this Section.

8.2 In order to transfer a claim on receivables, the User shall mark the Investment it wishes to transfer in the Secondary Market Functionality and confirm the agreement on the transfer of the claim by way of a public offer (Offer).

8.3 The Investor shall determine the price of the assignment as a percentage. He shall have the right to transfer the claim at a price higher, equal to or lower than the nominal value of the claim. This amount shall be deemed to be the price to be paid by one Investor to another Investor for the Claim.

8.4 An offer (Offer) made by a User to transfer a Claim shall be considered a public and binding offer, which shall take effect from the moment of its approval.

8.5 At the time of the assignment of the Claim Right, the Users shall have the right to access information relating to the Investment, i.e. the date of the investment agreement concluded on the primary market, the credit rating, the outstanding amount of the Investment, the annual percentage rate of interest, the number of Consumer Credit instalments, the remaining amount due, the bonus or discount, the sale price, the payment schedule and the Consumer Credit Ad.

8.6 A User wishing to purchase a claim shall select the desired Investment from the list of Investments placed on the secondary market. Having done so, he/she must confirm his/her consent to the acquisition of the claim (Acceptance). Once the Acceptance has been approved, the User becomes the owner of the Claim Right.

8.7 The concluded agreement on the transfer of the claim shall be deemed to be executed when the funds have been debited from the Payment Account of the Investor who purchases the claim and credited to the Payment Account of the Investor who sells the claim.

8.8 From the date of execution of the Assignment of Claim, the holder of the claim shall change and shall become entitled to all present and future payments under the acquired claim.

8.9 If the claim is secured by a surety of the Operator, at the time of its assignment the User who sells the claim shall assign all its rights to the security instrument to the User who acquires the claim.

8.10. Until the Investment has been acquired by another Investor, the User has the right to cancel the announcement of the sale of the Investment at any time.

8.11. An ad for the sale of an Investment placed on the secondary market shall be valid for 30 (thirty) days. If the Investment is not sold within this period, the ad shall be automatically cancelled. In order to continue to offer the Investment to other Investors, the User must re-upload the Secondary Market Ad.

8.12. The Operator shall have the right to automatically cancel the secondary market ad for the sale of an Investment if the termination of the Consumer Credit Agreement is initiated due to the Borrower's default.


9.1 The Operator may act both as a peer-to-peer lending platform operator and as a consumer credit provider. This means that, in certain cases, the Operator shall provide Consumer Credits at its own expense to Borrowers who apply for financing through the Platform.

9.2 Where the Operator lends its own funds to a Borrower, i.e. acts as a consumer credit provider, a separate consumer credit agreement is concluded with the Borrower.

9.3 The Operator shall ensure that, when acting as a consumer credit provider, it does not grant a Consumer Credit in an amount exceeding 80% of the total amount requested by the Borrower, unless the Consumer Credits are granted free of charge, i.e. the Borrower does not incur any costs related to the credit.

9.4 Where a Borrower has a credit rating of A+, A or B, the Operator may immediately grant a Consumer Credit of up to EUR 15,000 up to a maximum of 80% of the initial Consumer Credit Amount.

9.5 The Operator may waive the maximum limits set out in Clause 9.4 and grant Consumer Credit to Borrowers of any credit rating provided that both of the following conditions are met:

9.5.1. at least 24 hours have elapsed since the announcement of the Consumer Credit Ad on the Primary Market;

9.5.2. at least 20% of the Consumer Credit Amount has already been funded by investors.

9.6 In the event that a Borrower owes a debt to both the Operator and the Investors, all payments received under the concluded agreements shall be distributed proportionally to the Operator and the Investors in accordance with the amount lent by each person.

9.7 More detailed information on the Operator's measures to prevent conflicts of interest is available on the Platform, where Users can access the Operator's Conflicts of Interest Policy.


10.1 If the Borrower fails to duly fulfil his obligations under the Consumer Credit Agreement in relation to the repayment of the Consumer Credit, the Operator shall take all reasonable steps to recover the Consumer Credit AMount, interest and other amounts due under the Consumer Credit Agreement. Appropriate measures, in addition to pre-judicial judicial and collection actions, shall also include deferring payments, rescheduling the Consumer Credit Agreement or, following termination of the Consumer Credit Agreement, entering into a conciliation agreement where the Borrower is experiencing financial difficulties and is unable to make the monthly payments according to the original Consumer Credit Agreement schedule.

10.2 The debts of the Borrower shall be recovered in accordance with the Paskolų klubas Debt Recovery Procedure.

10.3 Where the Operator terminates the Consumer Credit Agreement and the Investor has not opted for the Reimbursable Surety Service, the Investments entered into as of 1 March 2022 shall no longer be subject to this Agreement, the Operator shall offer to pay the Investor a Compensation which shall, by agreement between the parties, cover the Investor's losses and the payment of the Compensation shall be deemed to be a proper fulfillment of the investment agreement. The following procedure shall apply:

10.3.1. within thirty calendar days (which shall be deemed to be the validity period of the offer) from the effective date of termination of the Consumer Credit Agreement, the Operator shall make an active offer on the Platform to the Investor to pay the Compensation. The Investor shall have the right, but not the obligation, to accept the payment of the Compensation.

10.3.2 If the Investor does not exercise the right to receive the Disbursement within thirty calendar days, the investment agreement shall be enforceable on the terms and conditions set out below.

10.3.3 The Compensation shall be calculated as follows: the unpaid portion of the Investor's Consumer Credit under the specific Consumer Credit Agreement shall be multiplied by a factor depending on the credit rating of the Borrower and the validity of the offer on the day (from the first to the thirtieth day) on which the Investor exercises the right to receive the Compensation.

10.3.4. Coefficients that are applicable during the calculation of the Compensation are specified in the Pricing. Depending on the offer expiration date, each day as of the fourth calendar day till seventh calendar day 0.05 are subtracted from coefficients of the credit worthiness rating.

10.4 In the case of a investment agreement with Automated Investment Buyback, upon termination of the Consumer Credit Agreement, the Operator shall carry out the Automated Investment Buyback and shall remit the amount of the Compensation to the Investor no later than within one Business Day.


11.1 Information on the fees applicable on the Platform and the procedure for their payment shall be contained in the Pricing published on the Platform. The User's signature of this Agreement constitutes a confirmation that he/she has read them and that he/she is obliged to pay them in accordance with the terms and conditions. The specific fees applicable under specific agreements, including Consumer Credit Agreements, investment agreements and other agreements concluded with the Operator, shall be set out in the respective agreements and their annexes. If the Pricing and the specific agreement specify the same fee but the amount of the fee is different, the fee specified in the specific agreement shall apply.

11.2 The Investor agrees that the payments under the transactions entered into may be deducted from the Investor's funds held in the Payment Account. Such debits shall be deemed to be duly authorised and the Investor agrees thereto by entering into this Agreement.

11.3 The Borrower shall pay the Commission Fee to the Operator at the rate set out in the Special Terms and in accordance with the procedure set out in the Consumer Credit Repayment Schedule. The Borrower confirms that he/she has been duly informed of the amount of the Commission Fee and fully accepts it by concluding the Consumer Credit Agreement. The Commission Fee shall be calculated as a percentage of the amount borrowed.

11.4 Investor Platform Fee:

11.4.1 Investors who invest through the Platform shall be subject to a monthly Investor Platform Fee of EUR 1.

11.4.2.The Investor Platform Fee shall apply to Investors who meet the following conditions: at least 6 months have elapsed between the date of the Investor's registration on the Platform and the date of confirmation of the Investor's identity; the value of the Investor's portfolio of Investments is not less than EUR 0,01.

11.4.3. the Investor Platform Fee is payable for the current month and is automatically debited from the Investor's Payment Account on the first day of each month.

11.4.4 If there are insufficient funds in the Investor's Payment Account on the date of payment of the Platform Fee, the Platform Fee will be automatically debited as soon as sufficient funds are available in the Payment Account.

11.4.5 If within a period of 6 months there are insufficient funds in the Investor's Payment Account to pay the Platform Fee, the Operator shall have the right to suspend certain functions of the Platform after notifying the Investor, including: the Investor's ability to invest in the primary and secondary markets of the Platform; the Investor's ability to invest using the Auto-Investment Ad functionality.

11.4.6 The suspended functionality may only be restored when sufficient funds are available in the Investor's Payment Account to cover the full amount of the outstanding Investor Platform Fee.

11.4.7 The Investor may, on his/her own initiative, suspend access to the functionalities of the Platform and the Operator's services in the User Account. In this case, the Investor Platform Fee will no longer apply from the following month. In the event that the Investor suspends the Platform more than once during a 6-month period in order to resume the use of the Platform earlier than 6 months after the last suspension, the Investor shall be subject to a fee equal to 6 months of the Investor Platform fee.

11.4.8 If the Investor has been suspended from the Platform due to a refusal to pay the Investor Platform Fee, the restrictions on the Platform may only be lifted upon the Investor's re-confirmation of his/her acceptance of the User Agreement. The fee will be automatically debited in the next current month.

11.5 For transactions involving the sale or purchase of investments on the secondary market, a 1% Secondary Market Fee will apply, which will be automatically calculated on the sale price of the investment and debited upon execution of the transaction.

11.6 The Operator shall have the right to unilaterally change the fees and coefficients set out in this Agreement or in the Pricing in relation to the services provided by the Peer-to-peer Lending Platform Operator and the Consumer Credit Provider. In such cases, the updated fees and their effective date shall be published in the Pricing no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days before their effective date. If new charges for services or functionalities are included, they shall take effect from the date of notification, unless a later effective date is specified in the information itself. Fees for payment services provided by the Operator shall be subject to change in accordance with the procedure and terms set out in the General Payment Services Agreement.

11.7. The Operator shall have the right to debit the fees payable by the User and any other monetary obligations to the Operator from any Payment Account held by the User. 


12.1 When registering on the Platform, the Investor must specify the country of which he/she is a permanent resident (resident) for tax purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Personal Income Tax of the Republic of Lithuania. The Investor is responsible for the accuracy and correctness of this information.

12.2 The Investor must immediately update his/her data on the Platform and inform the Operator if his/her country of residence for tax purposes changes.

12.3 The Investor shall be solely responsible for the calculation and payment of all applicable taxes in respect of the proceeds of transactions entered into on the Platform. The Operator will make tax deductions only in cases where this is required by the applicable legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

12.4 If the Investor fails to timely notify the Operator of the change of the Investor's country of residence for tax purposes, or if for any reason mandatory taxes have not been deducted from the interest and/or other amounts payable to the Investor, the Operator shall have the right to debit the Investor's Payment Account with the funds necessary to settle tax obligations, including personal income tax, interest, penalties and/or other tax and administrative obligations imposed in accordance with the legislation in force in the Republic of Lithuania or the requirements of the tax authorities. The Operator shall have the right to unilaterally transfer such amounts to the budget of the Republic of Lithuania without prior notice to the Investor.

12.5 Pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Personal Income Tax of the Republic of Lithuania, the Operator shall have the right to deduct personal income tax from the interest and/or other amounts payable to the Investor and to pay it to the budget of the Republic of Lithuania, if required by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

12.6 The User Account shall contain all information related to withheld taxes paid to the budget of the Republic of Lithuania. The Investor shall also be provided with information on interest received, secondary market transactions and other data required for tax payment purposes.


13.1: The use of the Platform prohibits:

13.1.1. to violate this Agreement, the Consumer Credit Agreements, the investment agreements and other agreements concluded between the parties, the legislation, including but not limited to the requirements of the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, the Operator's and other Users' rights and lawful interests;

13.1.2. use the Platform for any unlawful purpose, including but not limited to: fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing, illegal provision of financial services, etc;

13.1.3. provide the Operator with incorrect or false information, fail to provide the Operator with the requested information, documents, fail to update them on time;

13.1.4. to act on the Platform on behalf of and/or for the benefit of third parties, to provide financial services to such parties;

13.1.5. spread computer viruses or take any other actions that may cause malfunctions, irregularities or other damage to the Operator;

13.1.6. transmit or input data into the Platform that could contain software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interfere with, limit or damage the functionality of the Platform or its equipment, software or communications equipment, including programs that automatically track, use and/or store information contained/provided in the Platform;

13.1.7. use other systems to access or use the Platform;

13.1.8. promote and/or advertise other identical or similar platforms or other funding sources;

13.1.9. disclose your Platform login details to any third party or use any third party's passwords or other login details;

13.1.10. enter into peer-to-peer lending transactions on the Platform in violation of any law, mandate, agreement or court order applicable to the User;

13.1.11. if the User is a legal entity (its representative), to enter into the Agreement or Financing Transactions in violation of the requirements of the legislation and the User's internal documents, powers, authorisations, permissions;

13.1.12. to perform any actions that may put the Operator at risk.

13.2 If the Operator suspects that the User has performed prohibited acts, the Operator may take action to protect its own interests, the interests of the User or third parties, such as:

13.2.1. close or restrict access to the User Account;

13.2.2. restrict the User's activity on the Platform,;

13.2.3. remove a Consumer Credit Ad from the Platform;

13.2.4. prevent or terminate peer-to-peer lending Investment Transactions on the Platform;

13.2.5. restrict the User's funds in the Payment Account, and payments to the User;

13.2.6. inform the competent state authorities of the User's actions;

13.2.7. terminate this Agreement without prior notice;

13.2.8. take any other legal action.

13.3 The Operator will provide up-to-date information on the measures applied to the User, but in certain cases it will not be possible to do so due to the requirements of the anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing or other legal acts applicable to the Operator.

13.4 If the Operator has applied the measures provided for in this section, the User shall not be entitled to claim damages.


14.1 The Contingency and Business Continuity Plan shall include measures and procedures applied by the Operator to ensure that the Operator's operations are carried out continuously and uninterruptedly and that the uninterrupted performance of the contractual obligations in the event of unforeseen circumstances is smooth.

14.2 The Contingency and Business Continuity Plan shall ensure timely and orderly continuity or rapid recovery from an emergency. This process shall include methods and measures to ensure that the Operator's core business remains stable and uninterrupted both during and after an emergency.

14.3 The Contingency and Business Continuity Plan is available on the Platform.


15.1 The party in breach of the Agreement shall indemnify the other party against any direct loss suffered by the other party as a result thereof, including the payment of any fines or other penalties imposed.

15.2 The Operator shall only be liable for direct losses suffered by the User as a result of the Operator's wilful misconduct or gross negligence, provided that such losses are caused by the Operator's material breach of this Agreement. In all cases, the Operator shall only be liable for those direct losses which the Operator could reasonably have foreseen at the time of the breach of the Agreement.

15.3 For the sake of clarity, it is noted that the Operator shall not be liable in the following cases:

15.3.1. in relation to Investors, if the funds invested (in whole or in part) are lost due to financial difficulties of the Borrower or other circumstances for which the Borrower is solely responsible;

15.3.2. in relation to Borrowers, if the Consumer Credit Ad is not published on the Platform, withdrawn from the Platform or not funded;

15.3.3. if other Users provide incorrect data to the Operator and/or the Users;

15.3.4. for any disruption of services, including but not limited to Platform failures or other failures that may affect the operation of the Platform;

15.3.5. for any loss of profits and revenues or other indirect losses suffered by Users.

15.4 The Operator shall not be liable for and shall not be held liable for, inter alia, the non-performance (or misperformance) and/or unlawful conduct of the obligations of the Users, the Investors and/or other third parties; the actions of the Users that exceed the limits of the authority granted to them; the non-performance (or misperformance) of the services provided by other persons (e.g. communication services, etc.).

15.5 For the sake of clarity, it should be noted that the Operator's activities do not include (and cannot be deemed to include) the provision of investment recommendations, financial intermediation activities, and other activities unrelated to the activities of a peer-to-peer lending platform operator or a consumer credit provider, and which are not set out in this Agreement.


16.1 By entering into the investment agreement, the Lender understands and accepts the risk of insolvency of the Borrower, which means that the Borrower may default under the Consumer Credit Agreement and, as a result, the Lender may suffer financial loss, i.e. not to receive all or part of the interest due by the Borrower under the Consumer Credit Agreement, or to recover part or all of the invested amount.

16.2 By entering into the investment agreement, the Lender understands and accepts the risk of early repayment of the Consumer Credit, which means that the Borrower may repay all or part of the Consumer Credit early, which will result in the Lender recovering less than the anticipated interest under the investment agreement.

16.3 By entering into an investment agreement subject to Automated Investment Buyback, the Lender understands and accepts the risk that, in the event of the occurrence of grounds for termination of the Consumer Credit Agreement due to improper performance of the obligations by the Borrower and the termination of the Consumer Credit Agreement by the Operator, the Operator will pay only the Compensation to the Investor, which may result in the Investor receiving less interest under the investment agreement than was expected.

16.4 By entering into the investment agreement, the Lender understands and accepts the risk of a claim being partially successful, which means that a court may not award some or all of the interest provided for in the Consumer Credit Agreement, and as a result, the Lender will recover less interest than expected.

16.5 The Lender understands and accepts the risk that the amount invested and the interest may be repaid over a longer period of time than the original term of the Consumer Credit Agreement. Such an extension may be granted when the Borrower is in financial difficulties and is unable to meet the monthly repayments. In this case, payments may be deferred, the maturity of the consumer credit agreement may be modified or a conciliation agreement may be concluded upon termination of the consumer credit agreement, which provides for a new extended maturity, in order to protect the interests of both the Borrower and the Lender by reducing the risk of default of the consumer credit.

16.6 The Lender understands and accepts the risk that the Borrower may provide falsified or knowingly false information, including but not limited to identity, financial capacity or other information. The Operator shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Investor if such data has been provided by the Borrower and the Operator has complied with the obligations imposed on the Operator by carrying out the statutory checks (e.g., creditworthiness assessment).

16.7 In order to invest, the Investor must assess the risks and acceptability of the transactions and, where appropriate, take professional advice.

16.8. Peer-to-peer lending shall not be covered by the insurance protection provided for in the Law on Insurance of Deposits and Liabilities to Investors of the Republic of Lithuania. However, the Operator applies high standards in assessing the credibility of Borrowers and publishes on the Platform only Consumer Credit Ads assessed in accordance with the Rules on assessment of creditworthiness of consumer credit borrowers.


17.1 All intellectual property rights related to the Platform, its content, the Operator's website, trademarks used by the Operator belong to the Operator to the full extent.

17.2 The materials, information, content provided on the Platform may be copied, downloaded, stored, reproduced, printed or otherwise used only for personal purposes and only insofar as it is related to the use of the Platform and the services provided by the Operator.

17.3 Nothing in this Agreement grants you any right to the Platform and/or the Website other than as necessary to obtain the Services.

17.4 The Platform is provided on an "as is" basis, without any express or implied or statutory rights. The Operator does not warrant that the operation of the Platform will be uninterrupted or error-free. The Operator shall not be liable for any interruptions of service, including but not limited to malfunctions of the Platform or other disruptions that may affect the conclusion of agreements.


18.1 The Operator shall process the personal data of Users, their representatives, beneficiaries and other persons in the manner set out in the Operator's privacy policy published on the Platform.

18.2 If the User is a legal entity, as the data controller of its representatives and beneficiaries, it undertakes to ensure that the data subjects are duly informed about the submission of their data to the Operator and the processing of their data, as required by the legislation governing the processing of personal data.

18.3 The User agrees to the reproduction of his/her anonymized information on the Platform when he/she completes and validates the Application.


19.1 The User shall provide the Operator with his/her telephone number and email address and confirm them.

19.2 Once the User has registered on the Platform, the Operator shall send all communications addressed to the User to the e-mail address indicated by the User, by SMS to the telephone number indicated by the User and/or publish on the Platform. The User confirms that he/she agrees that a notification by email or SMS shall be deemed to have been duly delivered 12 hours after it has been sent; and when submitted on the Platform, 1 (one) calendar day after it has been submitted. The User undertakes to regularly check the email address and mobile phone number provided to the Operator and the User Account on a daily basis and assumes all risks that, through no fault of the Operator, notifications sent by the Operator do not arrive on time at the email address and mobile phone number provided by the User and the User does not receive them and/or does not read them on time or at all, due to any other reason.

19.3 Communication with the Operator shall be in English or Lithuanian. The Operator reserves the right to request that certain requests, comments, remarks, documents be submitted in Lithuanian.

19.4 The User shall immediately inform the Operator of any change in his/her contact information by updating this information in the User Account or by other means specified by the Operator. The Operator shall be guided by the last known information about the User and shall consider it to be correct, therefore the Operator shall not be liable if the User does not receive the information in time due to the fact that the contact information has not been updated and, accordingly, the User shall suffer losses.


20.1 The Operator has the right to unilaterally amend and/or supplement the Agreement, its annexes by notifying the User in the manner provided for in Section 19 "Communication between the Parties".

20.2 The User shall be informed of any changes in the amount of fees and payment procedures, Privacy Policy 14 (fourteen) calendar days prior to the effective date of the changes. The User shall be informed of any other changes to the terms and conditions applicable to the User no later than the date of the change.

20.3 The User's use of the Platform after a change to the Agreement or its individual terms, annexes shall constitute the User's acceptance of the change to the Agreement.

20.4 The User shall not be entitled to unilaterally change the terms and conditions of this Agreement, its annexes.

20.5 This Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the Parties.

20.6 The User shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if at the time of termination the User does not have any outstanding Consumer Credit or any active Investments.

20.7 The Operator shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without notice if the User breaches the terms and conditions of the Agreement, as well as in the cases provided for in Section 13 "Prohibited Actions" of the Agreement and in other cases provided for in the Agreement and in the legislation.

20.8 Upon termination of this Agreement, the User Account on the Platform shall be terminated, but the data about the User and the Financing Transactions entered into by the User shall continue to be stored for the purposes, terms and procedures set out in the Privacy Policy and the legislation.


21.1 Each Party confirms that it has all necessary authorisations and licences under applicable law to perform the acts required for the performance of this Agreement.

21.2 The User shall not be entitled to transfer the rights and obligations arising from this Agreement and the transactions entered into on the Platform to third parties without the prior written consent of the Operator.

21.3 If any provision of the Agreement is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall not cease to have effect.

21.4 The Agreement and other agreements concluded through the Platform shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

21.5 All disputes between the User and the Operator shall be settled by negotiation. Disagreements between the User and the Operator shall be resolved in accordance with the information on the complaint management process provided by the Operator on the Platform. In the event of failure to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be settled in the court which would have jurisdiction over such dispute in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania and the address of the Operator's registered office.

21.6 This Agreement is in the Lithuanian language and translated into English. In the event of any inconsistency between these texts, the Lithuanian version of the Agreement shall prevail.


This version of the Rules shall remain in effect until March 31, 2025.

Online Platform Terms of Use

1. General provisions:
1.1. These rules for the use of the Web page (hereinafter ‘the Rules’) define the terms and conditions for the use of the web page (hereinafter ‘the Web page’). The rules are provided publicly on the web page Every user of the Web page (hereinafter ‘the Client’) accepts all provisions of these Rules and undertakes to follow them.
1.2. The Web page may also be referred to as ‘the Platform’.
1.3. Clients who reject the provisions of these Rules, or do not understand them, have no right to use the Web page.
1.4. If, in order to use certain functions of the Web page and/or services provided by the Company, the provision of an agreement to the specific instructions of the Company and/or the assumption of certain obligations and/or disclosure of certain information and/or submission of certain confirmation is required, the Client has the right to use those functions of the Web page and/or services provided by the Company only after the aforementioned actions are performed.
1.5. All information that is published on the Web page, including, but not limited to, the agreements and their wording, belongs to NEO Finance, AB, company code 303225546, registered office located at Ukmergės g. 126, Vilnius (hereinafter ‘the Company’). Neither information that is published on the Web page nor any part of it maybe copied or distributed in any way or used for any other purposes than the use of the services of the Company.
1.6. By registering on the Web page the client confirms that he/she has read and understood these Rules and confirms that there are no hidden terms and  conditions in these Rules.
1.7. These rules come into effect on 29 April 2016 and are valid till their termination.
2. Registration and opening of an account:
2.1. In order to use the functions offered on the Web page, a Client who is a natural person must register by selecting the desired profile: a) Loan recipient; b) Investor. On the Platform the investor can be named as the Loan provider as well. A Client who is a natural person can select one of the aforementioned profiles.
2.2. A Client who is a natural person younger than 18 years, and is represented by legal representatives under the law, may only assume the profile of an investor. The registration of such a Client is performed only when the legal representatives under the law come to the registered office of "PASKOLŲ KLUBAS" located at Verkių st. 25C, Vilnius.
2.3 In order to open an electronic money account, a Client that is a legal person must register by selecting the profile: ‘Open an electronic money account for legal persons’. A client that is a legal person may only select the aforementioned profile.
2.4. During registration, the Client must submit all information that is required by the Company, including, but not limited to: first name, last name, personal code, birth date, residence address; they must also fill out the standard form ‘Client recognition information collection questionnaire’, and verify their identity using one of the methods required by the Company.
2.5. Registration of the Client concludes with the opening of an electronic money account (hereinafter ‘the Account’) for the Client. Conditions for the use of the account are defined in the Agreement for the opening of the Account signed by the Client and the Company.
2.6. The Company has the right not to provide any services to the Client, if the Client fails to submit all of the documents required by the Company, or if the Client submits incorrect information, or for any other reason, without specifying them.
2.7. The Company has the right to inform law enforcement institutions and other parties about all operations performed or initiated on the Web page if there is a lawful basis to do so.
3. The status of VIP investor
3.1. Loan provider is awarded with a certain type of VIP investor status if his/her "PASKOLŲ KLUBAS" active investment portfolio contains following values:
3.1.1. VIP Bronze. Active investment portfolio contains more than € 5,000;
3.1.2. VIP Silver. Active investment portfolio contains more than € 15,000;
3.1.3. VIP Gold. Active investment portfolio contains more than € 50,000;
3.1.4. VIP Platinum. Active investment portfolio contains more than € 125,000.
3.2. Loan providers with the status of VIP investor acquire the additional privileges:
3.2.1. VIP investors may sell overdue loans with a coefficient 5 % higher than for the other loan providers who do not have the status of the VIP investor.
3.2.2. VIP investors receives invitations to special events organised by the Company.
4. The sequence of automatic investment announcements is set according to the date of their creation. The earlier the announcement of an automatic investment is created, the higher its serial number is.
5. Calculation method for repayments:
5.1. When the loan recipient makes a repayment, it is distributed proportionally to the Loan providers according to their share of the total loan amount in which they they invested. The amount of the payment that is repaid to the loan providers is rounded up to the accuracy of cents. Excess portions of those cents are not annulled, but are accumulated until, after the addition of such amounts, at least one cent is obtained, which will be added to the next repayable amount.
6. Solvency assessment:
6.1. In order to utilise the mutual lending service provided on the Web page and to receive consumer credit, the Client must submit to the Company all information and data (documents) requested, and are required for the assessment of the solvency of the Client and their family.
6.2. In order to use the mutual lending service provided on the Web page and receive consumer credit, the Client must purchase  a Creditworthiness rating on the Web page. This Creditworthiness rating is used for the preliminary assessment of the Client's solvency and for the establishment of the conditions under which the specific Client will be able to conclude consumer credit agreements on the Web page.
6.3. Any Client who has the account has the right to purchase a Creditworthiness rating, except for Clients who are natural persons, younger than 18 years.
6.4. The service of the Creditworthiness rating sold on the Web page is not free of charge. The price of the service is 5 (five) EUR. The price of the service is deducted from the funds in the Client's Account. If the balance of the electronic money in the Account is smaller than 5 (five) EUR, the Client cannot buy the Creditworthiness rating.
6.5. The duration of the Creditworthiness rating is limited. The Creditworthiness rating is deemed to be valid for 72 hours from the moment of its purchase. If the Client wishes to submit a new application to receive consumer credit, but more than 72 have passed from the date of the purchase of the last Creditworthiness rating, the Client must purchase a new Creditworthiness rating.
6.6. The solvency of a Client who wishes to obtain consumer credit on the Web page, is assessed in accordance with the Rules for the assessment of solvency that are coordinated with the Bank of Lithuania. The responsibility of the Company to a Client who is the Provider of a loan under consumer credit agreements concluded on the Web page, is limited. The Company is responsible only for the assessment of the solvency of every Loan recipient (consumer credit recipient) in accordance with the provisions of these Rules for the assessment of solvency. By providing the consumer credit on the Web page, every person evaluates and understands the risk of losing the funds invested due to the insolvency of the consumer credit recipient.
6.7. Before concluding any agreement on the Web page, the Client undertakes to thoroughly acquaint him or herself with the conditions of the agreement that is being concluded. All agreements concluded are exclusively concluded for the benefit of the Client and at risk to the Client that is understood and assumed by the Client. The Company is not held responsible for any losses of the Client that occur without the intentional fault of the Company.
7. Consumer credit agreements are deemed to be concluded when both Contractual Parties sign them using electronic signatures according to the procedure specified below.
8. Agreement regarding electronic signatures:
8.1. The Company and the Client agree that all contracts, agreements, Client confirmations, consents and other documents, whether unilateral or multilateral,that are signed by the Client on the Web page by entering a unique code received by text message (SMS), or by ticking the box beside the specified sentence, when prior to that the Client has signed onto the Web page by entering their email address and password or by using a mobile electronic signature, are deemed to be signed with the electronic signature and are deemed to be a proper means of proof in court, as determined by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Electronic Identification and Electronic Operations Reliability Services.
8.2. The Company and the Client agree that all documents signed by the parties on the Website, from the moment of their generation, shall be considered as signed with electronic signatures, although the electronic signatures of the parties could not be visually represented in the generated documents.
8.3. The Company does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information submitted on the Web page by the other clients and for possible damage incurred by the user of the Web page and/or third parties due to incorrect and/or inaccurate information submitted by other users of the Web page.