
NEO Finance, AB announcement to investors in consumer credits regarding small number of credits in the market

NEO Finance, AB announcement to investors in consumer credits regarding small number of credits in the market

NEO Finance, AB
Announcement to investors in consumer credits
Regarding small number of credits in the market

Dear investors of NEO Finance,

In the recent days, you have noticed that the number of credits to be invested in has decreased rather significantly.

We have noticed that as well.

While searching for the reasons, we have understood that certain technical issues have risen due to difficulties in adapting to the new creditworthiness rating, calculated by the artificial intelligence machine. Such difficulties are natural during the transition period of similar major changes.

Currently, we are in the process of fixing these issues, and are prioritising this job.

The situation is unusual. However, we are sure that it will not take long, and we will be back on track soon.

Thank you for your understanding. Please accept our apologies for the inconveniences.

NEO Finance team

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